Nutritional Counselling in Gaffney
Evaluation, Counseling, & Supplementation
Research has shown that there are five factors that contribute to overall health and wellness: eating right, exercise, reducing stress, eliminating toxins, and maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system.
The Importance of Nutrition
Eating right is about eating the right foods and eliminating the wrong foods for you. For many people, the nutritional value of our foods is not sufficient, and supplements are necessary to make up the deficit—but how do you know which supplements you need, and which are the highest quality?
It’s a scientific fact that proper nutrition can lower the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and even some cancers. The foods you eat directly affect obesity and high cholesterol, which can lead to various health conditions.
Our Approach
Dr. Kim and Dr. Craig are Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioners, with extensive advanced education, training and experience in nutrition. They’ll start with a consultation to understand your current health situation and goals. Next, they will evaluate your current nutritional needs and counsel you on what you need to do in terms of food and supplementation to achieve the optimal results.
This evaluation includes in-depth lab work that isn’t included in the typical blood work your primary care provider does. It includes much more specific testing to identify a wide range of deficiencies that can contribute to your health conditions.
Finally, your doctor will make individualized and scientifically sound diet and supplement recommendations designed to correct your issues.

Conditions We Help With
Our scientific, systematic approach has been helpful for many patients with various health conditions, such as long-term conditions that haven’t responded to other types of care as well as:
Get Your Nutrition on Track Today
Contact us today to book your initial consultation.